
To know the price of the fish you have to be registered. If you are already registred, please login.

The photos and videos of this page are a sample of the koi which you can expect in each box. You will receive very similar level of koi as is in the photo when you order from this page.

Yagenji Stock

12-14 cm
80 pcs
17 kg
14-16 cm
60 pcs
17 kg
16-18 cm
50 pcs
17 kg
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Mr Nishikigoi login (Trade only)

Please login to see our prices. If you don’t have a login yet, please register including your company details. Only legitimate koi business will be approved! 

You will receive an email after approval of your account.


In case you lost your  password, please contact us on mischa@mr-nishikigoi.eu